What to Expect From Your Best Man

best manYou have a huge wedding coming up, and you know exactly who you want as your best man. However, you are unsure what to ask, and what kind of help you can expect from him. So what is a best man in a wedding, and what does he do?

The title of best man is given to the groom's closest relative or friend. However, it's an honour that comes with responsibilities. It will involve supporting in the preparation, as well as the actual day of the wedding.

What are the Best Man's duties?

Some grooms need more help than others. You may ask for help all throughout the preparations, or may need minimal help from him, until the actual wedding day itself. Whether you are the former or the latter is perfectly fine.

The traditional duties of a best man before the wedding usually entail assisting the groom with some of the choices, like who the ushers will be, recommend what they'll be wearing, or any other detail that the wedding committee will not be able to cover. If some of the entourage are your friends, the best man should be equally responsible in making sure they attend wedding rehearsals.

On the day of the wedding, the best man should calm any nerves experienced by the groom. He has to make sure you look your best and that you have everything you need, like your speech for example. And do take note, your best man will also have the chance of speaking during the reception.

What is expected from a Best Man's speech?

The biggest challenge in becoming a Best Man is on preparing and delivering their speech. The best man's speech is expected to be many things including funny and amusing, but try not to cross any lines that may make it awkward for the bride and groom.

It's obvious that there are stories that you share with your best man, that the bride does not know about. Mentioning this could cause unnecessary issues between you and your new wife. Inform your best man to shy away from talking about previous relationships as well, although, you can expect him to talk of your past misdemeanors. This is usually the perfect opportunity for them to amuse everyone including the bride.