Wedding Planner

Wedding Planner

Congratulations! The celebrations have died down and now the mean task of organising the wedding from start to finish awaits you. There is so much to be done – but cast your mind back to the night of your debs ball. The invite, the dress, the make-up, nails, endless planning and phonecalls – what seemed like a litany of things to be organised.

The anticipation and excitement of the big event was part and parcel of the fun. The preparation for a wedding is much the same. It is your special day – enjoy the preparation – savour it! It will be a perfect day for you and your partner regardless.
As soon as you are engaged, the traditional way to release the news is to put an announcement in the local or national newspapers. You can also post your announcement on The usual wording is:
The engagement is announced between John, only son of Mr and Mrs PR Shaw, of Killester, Dublin and Anna, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Downey of Waterford.
Before finally setting the wedding date, you must decide what sort of ceremony you would like and check that the church, synagogue, registry office or other venue is not fully booked on that day.

Summer weddings are very popular and need to be arranged months ahead. Hotels and halls cater for only one, or perhaps two weddings a day. Contact several caterers and hotels in the area and compare the facilities offered by each. If possible, try to have a meal at the hotels you have selected to get some of idea of their standards. Some hotels accustomed to catering for weddings offer a package deal, which includes wedding cake and stand, toastmaster, flowers and a room in which to change. The cost of the food and drink will depend on your choice. Caterers will send you sample menus and a list of drinks they can supply.

Most people have a pretty good idea of how they want their day to pan out. Throughout the planning, be prepared to rethink the details of your wedding throughout the lead-up time. Unless you are a born wedding planner, guaranteed there will be stages when you may have to reassess certain arrangements to make sure things go smoothly.

Over the last decade, personalised weddings have taken front-stage with less and less people choosing not to be a slave to etiquette. However, traditionalist or not, there are some guidelines which are helpful when organising your big day.

Soon After Your Engagement

†¢ See the minister, priest, rabbi or registrar to arrange the wedding.

†¢ Select your hotel or caterer.

†¢ Decide with both sets of parents how many people will be invited, and work out a budget and a guest list.

†¢ Book a photographer and videographer.

†¢ Organise your wedding cake if the hotel is not providing one.

†¢ Choose bridesmaids, best man and ushers.

†¢ Organise your wedding clothes.

†¢ Book a dress maker if you having your dress made.

†¢ Choose your attendants clothes.

†¢ Confirm your decision on food and drink with the caterer or hotel.

†¢ Organise all wedding flowers, consulting relevant florists for the flowers at the wedding ceremony and for reception.

Three Months Before The Wedding

†¢ Plan and organise a list of wedding presents – put them up on the bulletin board.

†¢ Choose the wedding rings.

†¢ Consult the minister/ priest about appropriate music for your wedding and make an appointment to see organist.

†¢ Order invitations and envelopes, remembering that you will need only one invitation for each married couple or family.

†¢ Order your printed Order of Service sheets/masslet

†¢ If you plan to have keepsakes, crackers on each table order them now

†¢ Order any extra stationery for your reception, such as matchbooks, printed napkins, menu cards, place cards and wedding favours.

†¢ Order cars from a local company or make firm arrangements to borrow cars from friends or family.

†¢ Buy going away and honeymoon clothes.

†¢ Send out invitations (At least six weeks before the day).

†¢ Make a list of acceptance and refusals as they come.

†¢ Choose gifts for your attendants.

†¢ Consider taking out wedding insurance.

†¢ Make appointments to discuss hair and make-up. Start having regular manicures

†¢ If you are planning to change your name, allow at least six weeks for a new passport. Your bank and building society will need two weeks’ notice; also notify your doctor, dentist and others.

One Month Before The Wedding

†¢ Check that your fiancà © has chosen the ushers

†¢ Send thank-you letters for wedding presents as they arrive.

†¢ Inform caterers of the final number of guests.

†¢ Go to the hairdresser with your head-dress, veil or hat to decide on the most suitable hair-style.

†¢ Practice any new make-up

†¢ Check all your wedding clothes and the honeymoon.

†¢ Have a full rehearsal if possible.

†¢ Arrange to have your honeymoon luggage sent to the reception hotel.

†¢ Have your hens night out.

†¢ Lads have your stags night out