Wedding Flowers / Hay fever / Pollen allergies

Wedding Flowers / Hay fever / Pollen allergies

Choosing your wedding flowers is normally an exciting and creative part of your wedding plans. But for some people even going near a florist can cause problems – I’m thinking of those who suffer from hay fever. And as we approach the summer months, when the weathermen inform us of warm sunny days (here’s hoping) and high pollen counts, I am going to suggest a few ideas for brides who still want to carry a bouquet down the aisle.

All is not lost, there are quite a few fresh flowers that should not cause problems and also come in a range of colours.

The Calla lily – not strictly a lily has its flowers on a spike, which is wrapped in a leaf like structure, which is normally seen as the ‘flower’.   A lovely flower for the simple bouquet coming in colours from white, yellow, plum/aubergine (great for all the berry coloured dresses) and also an autumnal rustic colour (Mango) and salmon pink.

The Arum lily – a close relative of the above. It comes in soft creamy white and best on its own while carried in a simple over the arm sheaf.

The orchids – you either love them or hate them. They do not technically produce pollen so they should be a safe bet.  

The Cymbidium orchids are one of the most sturdiest in the group. Each individual flowers (8-9 to the stem) can be wired and then formed into a posy or shower bouquet or one stem can be carried. Colours range from the palest pink to limey green to mauvey pink and they have the most delicate fragrance.

The Dendrobium orchids – very delicate and need to carefully treated.

The Phalaeonopsis orchid – the flowers do bruise easily but when carried in a bunch of two or three the look created is WOH.

Hydrangea – (when I suggest this to brides, most will recall their grandmothers’ garden shrub)
The large mop head of sterile flowers come in white pink and another ‘in’ colour for this year, blue.

Forgetting the fresh flowers and if you are willing to try something different even if you don’t suffer from hay fever, consider some of the following

A bouquet made from fruit (following in Victoria Beckham’s footsteps). Superb especially if you have an autumn wedding. Also watch out for the small ornamental cabbages available in the autumn and winter.

Or the range of exotic seed heads, berries, contorted willow, hazel, red stemmed dogwood and twisted bamboo. Add this to some exotic foliage and all eyes will be on you.

And finally the world of artificial and silk flowers has come such a long way. You only have to look around in the many accessory shops to see this. And one major benefit with using these is the fact that you have your wedding bouquet forever.

My contact details
Sarah Rubalcava, Corrig House, Shankill, Co. Dublin.
Ph 01-282-2476
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