Wedding Dresses

Wedding Dresses

“Watching the bride as she appears for the first time in her gown is quite a magical moment,” says Alison Price, wedding planner and author of Weddings – the Essential Guide to Organising you Perfect Day.”

Choosing the wedding dress makes all the other decisions seem pale in comparison. Once the gown is chosen, the tone of the wedding is set. If you chose a heavily beaded gown with a cathedral length train, then you should plan a formal wedding. If your heart is set on a knee-length dress that shows off your figure, then you should plan a more informal wedding. Many of the “old rules” do not apply anymore.

The formality of the wedding dress should be reflected in the degree of formality of the wedding. Since you already have a style of dress in mind, begin shopping for the dress before planning any other aspects of the wedding.

A good guide to trying on dresses is to try on 5 dresses and then choose 2 to try on again. Then try on up to 5 more dresses. After the second round of dresses, pick two or less from that group to try on again. Now you have tried on 10 gowns and have narrowed it down to no more than 4 dresses. Try on all four dresses again and linger in them. Walk around the store in them. Is the dress comfortable? Is the material of one scratchy? Is the dress well lined? Are there any defects? Have another person come with you to the bridal stores, usually your Maid of Honour or your Mother.

Have that person bring a notebook and pencil to record details about each of the final choices. Note such things as material of the dress, length of the train, design of beadwork, shape of sleeves, shape of the neckline, and colour. If you don’t know the type of material or exact colour, etc., ask the saleslady. These notes will help you to remember the unique details about each dress.

Another guide for purchasing dress is to visit only 1 or 2 bridal stores per day. It is also advisable to give yourself one day in-between shopping expeditions. This way, you can reflect on the dresses you tried on yesterday, without being bombarded with different dresses to confuse you. A bride planning a wedding in 2002 has more leeway than her predecessors.

Every detail can be set by the bride to create a wedding that is uniquely her own. Tradition is accommodated, but modern touches overrule the antiquated etiquette. While others can advise you, do not allow them to make final decisions or dominate the planning. If you are able to accomplish this monumental task that all brides face, choosing a dress should be a piece of cake!