Top 2006 wedding trends

Wedding websites, non religious ceremonies, bright colours, fake cakes†¦ wedding fashion is changing. These are some top 2006 wedding trends.

1. Wedding websites. If you are tired of ringing, emailing and people pestering you with questions about the event, this is the best updating method. You could set up your online wedding list and include any other useful tips for your guests. Everybody will save time, money and hassle.

2. Writing a newsletter would be another alternative to calls and conventional mail.

3. Theme weddings are THE thing. A mixture of fantasy and fancy dress party.

4. Simple gowns instead of over the top dresses. Simple and smart.

5. No more pastel colours. Deep colours are in fashion, for bridesmaids and also for the brides.

6. Creative food. Salmon is lovely but there’s plenty of fish in the sea! Most people prefer trying something different.

7. Non religious weddings. They have increasing popularity. They are more flexible and personal.

8. Bride and groom sharing costs. The bride’s dad paying for the wedding cost is prehistory. 50/50 among bride and groom is more common now.

9. Getting married in your honeymoon. Some people they want an intimate ceremony. Just the bride and groom, or very few selected family members.

10. Writing your own vows. It is more meaningful.

11. Ethnic weddings. This is a growing trend since Ireland is becoming more multicultural everyday: Celtic weddings, Polish traditions, Bollywood style…

12. Mums walking down the aisle with their daughters and facing your guests during the ceremony.

13. Black and white photos.

14. Bride’s speech.

15. Gay weddings. They haven’t really made it into Ireland yet, but Holland, Spain and Britain are leading the way.

16. Charitable contributions. Some people don’t really need wedding presents so they ask their guests to make a donation to their favourite NGO. Charitable favours are also in fashion.

17. Wedding logos for your event and your stationery.

18. Homemade favours.

19. Weddings abroad. Italy seems to be one of the top destinations for Irish brides and grooms. Great weather, beautiful landscapes, heritage towns†¦ it is a perfect set up to tie the knot.

20. Fake cakes. It doesn’t mean you will have to skip your dessert. Don’t worry! you will be able to pick your pud. Fake wedding cakes are just designed to look nice for the picture.