The top 10 most outrageous weddings of all times

You can’t buy love and, if there is another thing money can’t buy, that is style.


1- Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock. Why? her tiny whiny white bikini was a bit short of fabric to even be called a gown.


2- Los Beckhams. Treating your own wedding as an almost royal affaire is a bit pretentious. Also, has anybody seen her smiling? Not even in her wedding pictures.


3- Sarah Jessica Parker. We could agree that she is America’s style icon but her black wedding dress was definitely a ‘faux pas’.


4- Jordan’s pink fantasy. Recreating Barbie’s worlds is good when you are 10! But that is what Jordan always dreamt of†¦fair enough.


5- Britney Spears’ Vegas wedding. Britney Spears and her childhood friend went to Las Vegas and came home with a marriage as a souvenir. Brit’s clever legal team had the marriage annulled within days. But he got some pocket money for the inconvenience.


6- Renee Zellweger. Bridget Jones’ star and country singer Kenny Chesney met in January and married in September. 128 days after their beach wedding Renee filed for divorce. She claimed ‘fraud’. Does she want her money back?


7- Minelli-Gest. Liza Minnelli and David Gest’s marriage was catalogued by some as a freak show. Michael Jackson was the best man and Liz Taylor was maid of honor. After 16 months they started a fierce divorce battle. The ‘I’m a celebrity get me out of here’ hero claimed his wife had problems with drink and she threw lamps at him. Who put them in the wedding list?


8- TomKat. Their vows were like something out of a ‘how to be good’ book for girls from the 40′s. He promised to provide her with ‘clothes and food and tender happiness and frills, a pan, a comb, perhaps a cat’. But Katie was also reminded ‘young men are free and may forget’ their promises. Cheeky.


9- Until MTV do us part. Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra aired all their wedding planning live in ’til death do us part’ but they called it quits this summer. They followed ‘newlyweds Nick and Jessica’s wreckage. Any divorce show yet?


10- J’ Lo’s. She was friends with Marc Anthony and his beautiful wife and kids. All of a sudden he left his wife (and supposedly friends with La Lopez) to marry JLo. Now they have put together their singing abilities and it couldn’t get any more cheesy.