Stress-free weddings

Your wedding day is supposed to be the best of your whole life. But for lots of people it is more a cause of headaches than a celebration.

According to some on-line stress-meters, marriage actually scores 50 “stress points”, out of 100. That means that more people prefer loosing a job, having sexual problems or fighting with the in-laws than getting married!

Stress-free weddings are everybody’s dreams and they are not so out of reach as most people might think. Stephanie Fudge, from Marion, in the US, left her stressful telemarketing job to become a bride and groom saviour.
She offers people package weddings, reducing costs and stress. Stress-free weddings, a nuptial equivalent of “package holidays”, are a new concept to Europe but if you are running out of time and patience†¦ that could be a great cost cutter and relaxing solution.

Fudges’ family business offers “wedding packages” from $450 to $995, including massages for the bride and groom, to help them relax.
Like a 4 by 4 wedding planner, Fudge organizes dinner, accommodation, photography and video services and even a reverend to conduct the ceremony. It is the “all inclusive” concept arriving to the wedding market.

But, since this kind of services are not available in Ireland yet, these are some other tips to help you getting rid of pre-nuptial pressure:

-The most important thing is giving yourself plenty of time. Get someone’s help or a wedding planner, if necessary, to keep you focused and on top of things.
-Be in control of the budget.
-Keep it nice and simple. That will keep stress and also the spending levels down.
-Don’t expect perfection. This is the number one cause of stress. Be realistic and think that things go wrong every now and then but it doesn’t mean you can’t have a great party.
-Get in shape for the Big Day and eat properly. That will keep you relaxed and fit!
-Spend some quality time with your partner before the Big Day to avoid tensions in the relationship.
-Do your own checklist and a practice run. That will help you fight the so called stage panic.
-Last but not least: It is YOUR day, enjoy it!