Spring – Time for Romance

Looking Gorgeous


It’s Spring time and people’s thoughts turn to Romance. Cecily Marron, a columnist with Health and Living Magazine, gives you tips from the salon, on how to look great for that hot date


Spring is time for romance, love and all things beautiful in our hearts and minds. It’s a time to shed off the winter woolies and invest in some serious pampering. As the days get longer, the skirts get shorter and feeling good is all about looking good!


Applying your Tan


Have your tan applied either professionally in the salon or do a DIY job at home. Fake Bake Mousse was voted best new product for 2003. It’s so easy to use. Make sure you exfoliate, and have no traces of deodorant or perfumes etc.


The mousse is coloured so you can see what you are doing, and there is no fear of patchy tan streaks. Apply all over, it dries in seconds. Throw on a pair of gammy jammies and go to bed. The excess will wash off in the shower next morning, and your tan should be perfect. For a deeper colour its best to use over two consecutive nights.


Every girl wants to have silky smooth skin and with all the products out there it’s quite a challenge to find one that smells gorgeous and is a fab moisturiser.


I have searched high and low, I have tested some of the best and still the search goes on. One that I think actually works is Icoloniali deep massage body cream. It contains little exfoliating grains which as you massage dissolve, leaving your skin deeply moisturised and smelling divine. It’s one of those special products that when you find it you won’t want to tell anyone what it is or where you got it, so let’s just keep that one to ourselves ok.


Use a Body Oil


Another option is to use a body oil. A lot of us complain that we just don’t have time to spend rubbing in creams, waiting for them to dry before getting dressed etc. and I can totally relate to that. It’s all go go go so the answer is body oils. It only takes a few seconds the trick is to apply straight after your shower when your skin is still wet, just lash it on, wrap up in your towel and go do your make-up. If an oil is applied onto dry skin it feels really greasy and will never dry in where as if you use it on damp/wet skin it soaks in as you dry and you can feel quite smug because oils penetrate our skin deeper than creams and you just saved yourself around ten mins, what a bonus!!


So go all out and get yourself a really nice one, a fancy one, not any old oil – a little indulgence. Try any of the Dr. Hauschka ones I like the lavender or rose body oils. Now there is no excuse even if you’ve got skin like a crocodile these products will work to make you feel softer, smoother, sexier and more svelte.


Oh and if your going to spend a small fortune on all these lovely girly bits n’bobs then make sure to exfoliate (there’s no getting away from it) to get the best out of those lotions and potions. It will be worth it, I promise.




Intimate waxing is becoming more popular. The Irish women of today are not backward about coming forward with regards to certain new waxing procedures in the nether regions! When booking in for a bikini wax nowadays you will be asked a series of questions to ascertain exactly what you want and to some its double Dutch, it’s almost like trying to order a half caff. double de-caff. blah blah blah in America. So what are our choices? Well the first two are easy; The Regular or The G string.


Then it gets a bit more complicated; The Brazil – the easiest way to describe this is just to say all your left with are two neat and tidy strips – The Hollywood- this one is more risque as in it’s all gone, yes all of it and finally – The Playboy(don’t ask me who came up with these names) – this is where all regions are clear, back and front. So these are our choices and no matter which one you choose, they are guaranteed to spice up your love life. Just don’t forget to wax the legs too.


Finishing Touches


All that’s left now is to carefully apply your make up, give yourself a mini manicure, slip into that scandalously, expensive, new, killer dress, a dash of perfume, flutter those eyelashes (try Clarins pure volume mascara) and knock him dead with your wit and charm .He’ll be wrapped around your finger in no time. Go and get him you vixen!