Packing For Your Honeymoon

After all the activity of your wedding, you look forward to finally spending some intimate time with your new groom. As you plan your getaway, it is important to also ensure that you pack properly such that you will have everything your need for your honeymoon. The last thing you need is the stress coming from realizing that there are essentials you left behind. Here are some tips on what to consider when packing.

First be sure to check the flight regulations concerning baggage at the airline with which you will be travelling. This will enable you to know how many carry-on and checked luggage each of the two of you can take along for your flight. This information should also include the limitations in terms of weight of your luggage.

You should also check to ensure that your existing luggage is in good shape for travel. If not you will want to purchase some new luggage for your honeymoon destination. It might be best to pick luggage that you will be able to use in the long run and not just for the short honeymoon trip. The luggage must also be the right choice in terms of its weight, size, material used and additional features such as zippers and wheels.
As much as you want to be one with your husband from the wedding day onwards, you might want to pack separate luggage as this will be more practical and help avoid mix-ups and confusion about what you are carrying. Pack your clothes and toiletries separately.

You might also wish to buy tags for your luggage, so as to ensure that you easily locate your bags in the event of a mix-up. Ensure that your tags correctly display your home address and phone number in case the luggage gets lost.

Start writing down a honeymoon list of all the things you will need to pack for your vacation a few weeks before your departure. Keep adding to the list as you remember more essential items. During packing, check off the items on your list then double-check just to be sure you have everything when your vacation is days away.

Make sure you do your laundry a few days before your vacation, as this will give you ample time to plan your outfits and also pack before you leave. Make sure whatever requires dry cleaning is done a few days before as well, and the garments left in their plastic dry-cleaning bags, to avoid them getting wrinkled when they are packed.
Instead of folding, roll your clothes as this will give you more packing space and also avoid them getting wrinkled and creased. Pack your undergarments and socks in the insides of your handbags and shoes to help retain the shape of the handbag and shoes, as well as giving you more space to pack other items.

Have at least one carry on bag that will have your accessories, bathing suit, any medications and a full change of clothes. These are those small but very essential items that you simply cannot do without during your honeymoon.