Liz Hurley organizing her Bollywood style wedding

White horses, camels and elephants. It’s not a nativity play but Liz Hurley’s plans for her lavish Indian wedding with businessman Arun Nayar with Nayar on March this year.


Indian and British media keep pouring tips on Liz Hurley’s wedding planning advances. Hurley is to marry Indian businessman Arun Nayar on the 3rd of March in a ceremony that will compete for the title of highest profile wedding ever along with the Beckhams’ and other pleb-turned-almost-royalty-by-the-media.


According to reports, the groom will arrive on a white horse and the family members will follow him ‘riding’ camels and elephants. Then the couple will exchange vows at a ‘house of flowers’ and will retire to a luxurious suite that includes a black marble swimming pool.


The Devi Garh in Udaipur, a 18th century palace converted into one of the most exclusive boutique hotels in the world, is reported to be hosting the event. But even thought the hotel is ‘la crà ¨me de la crà ¨me’, as far as lavish hotels go, Hurley is said to have some diva requirements:


-Three Michelin starred chefs will fly from London exclusively for the wedding.


-Hurley has reportedly ordered ‘silent electricity generators’ to be transported from New Delhi. Apparently the hotel’s generators are too noisy and they could disturb the party.


-Several newspapers have also reported that Hurley will be celebrating two weddings and will be wearing a total of 13 designer gowns.


-However, the perfect Indian wedding is a tough challenge and the Indian government has refused to give air traffic control clearance for a fleet of helicopters to shuttle Hurley’s celebrity friends.


Guests will include the Beckhams, Sir Elton John and husband, recently divorcee Pamela Anderson and also Hurley’s ex-boyfriend Hugh Grant and girlfriend Jemima Khan.


The celebrity guests will apparently also take over Udaipur’s Lake Palace, the setting for the James Bond movie Octopussy, and the Oberoi Udaivilas resort, the most expensive hotel in India.


The wedding is expected to put Udaipur on the map and bring millions to the local economy. Asked about the repercussion among the locals by The Observer, a manager of the hotel is reported to have said “Unless there are Bollywood stars here they probably won’t care.”