James Bond

Shaken not stirred, my dear. This is the opportunity to work those innuendos to the max.




Easy. DJ or tuxedo- get all the bucks to go dressed in the same attire, with the stag in the other option to differentiate him, or even as Bond in his diving gear.


- If you’ve got a game-on group of bucks, complement your
“stag”-bond to his finest by all dressing up as evil geniuses, or
even show a bit of leg as bond girls.




-Water pistols


-Any portable gadet you can lay your hands on.


-White pussies to stroke throughout the night.


Something for the Stag


-Own martini glass


-Fluffy handcuffs to arrest those female villains.


-Concealed weapon.




-Persuade a vixen to buy a dry martini, shaken not stirred.


-Re-enact to opening credits of Bond and convince two girls to be your silhouetted dancers, while your bucks recreate the track “Nobody does it better”


-Name ten bond girls or drink a tequila shot.


-Go undercover and get a girl to draw a third nipple on you so you can pose as


Scaramanga (The man with the golden gun)


-Arrest a female suspect. Handcuff yourself to her and challenge her to a drinking contest. You must down a pint, she must down a half both using your cuffed hand only. The winner keeps the handcuffs.


-Deliver these bond winning one liners throughout the night:


* I think your mouth is exactly the right size†¦ for me, that is (From Russia with love)


* Well, that’s quite a nice little nothing your almost wearing, I approve (Diamonds are Forever)


* How clumsy of me, now I’ve gotten you all wet! But my martini is still dry (Never say never again)