How to Shop For Your Wedding Dress

wedding dressesYou promise you’ll never become one, but come wedding preparations, you see yourself slightly leaning towards becoming what you vow not to turn into, a bridezilla. One of the factors that leads to this wedding stress is being unprepared when choosing your wedding dress.

There are simple points that you can follow in order to get the best dress, without stressing yourself to becoming scary bride.

  • Use your time wisely. Shop early. Don’t think that you’ll find the perfect wedding dress the instant you shop. It should take four to six months in order to make a dress perfectly. There are some brides that have their dress made 18 months before their wedding day.
  • Set appointments and honour them. Bridal salons prefer to have brides set appointments. Because of busy preparations though, some brides have to cancel. If you’re caught in this situation, make sure to inform them as early as possible. If you are unable even to confirm or cancel appointments properly, you need to mature up.
  • Clarify the fees. There are some stores that require service fees if you try on dresses. This is sensible, but when caught unaware, some brides tend to overreact. The best way to avoid this is to inquire about these costs ahead of time.
  • Make your own decision. If you plan to shop for your dress with friends, then make sure to limit it up to two. The more heads, and the more suggestions, will eventually lead to confusion. Always listen to what your heart says and choose the dress that you REALLY want.
  • Avoid getting dazzled by designer names. Yes, designer dresses sound good, but make sure that you’re buying the dress, and not just the label. Remember that on your special day, everybody will see the woman first, the dress next, and not the label.
  • Groom yourself before shopping. Just because you’re the busy bride, it’s not an excuse to not appear presentable, especially on a fitting. Bathe and scrub properly and avoid wearing thongs. Many shops will not allow you to try on dresses when wearing skimpy underwear. If possible, avoid wearing make-up and strong perfumes as well. You are going to specialty clothes stores, and not just your regular mall. They have standards to maintain and you should respect their rules. For your own safety, don’t wear jewellery. It’s possible to lose them while trying on the dresses.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Any shopper will know that if you’re going to do some serious shopping, you should wear shoes that you can wear the entire day. For wedding dress shopping though, you should also wear shoes that can be easily slipped on and off. You could be asked to take them off before trying on dresses. For fittings, it would be better if you bring the shoes you intend to wear for your wedding, so they know the exact length they need to adjust.
  • Know your limit. Before you shop for a bridal store, you should be ready to resist trying on the more expensive dresses. Even if you think it’s only for fun, it’s very possible to fall in love with a dress that is outside your price range. You’ll only end up either breaking your budget, or breaking your heart because of a dress.

Once you’ve already chosen your dress, stop. Don’t second guess yourself. At this point, all you should be doing is to enjoy the dress you’ll be wearing on that special day.