How to Make Your Wedding Flowers Last Longer

How to Make Your Wedding Flowers Last Longer
How to Make Your Wedding Flowers Last Longer

Wedding preparation entails long hours, time and money. The planner is always on top of every single detail to make sure the wedding is a complete success. However, while the floral arrangement is spot on, one detail that is overlooked is the floral preservation. Its dreadful to think that all your beautiful centrepieces and bridal bouquets are going to shrivel by the time you get to your reception!

Good thing, technology and art have found ways to retain the shape, contour and colour of your beautiful flower arrangements.
Freeze-drying is one of the best methods to preserve floral arrangements. After the procedure, flowers aren't as brittle, but are still full of life. The reason why there are only a few experts is because the equipment and knowledge is quite expensive. When done right, the process can even take up to 12 weeks.

Before you select a company to preserve your flowers, you need to take note of some points. They should pretreat and rehydrate the flowers before feeze-drying them in order to retain the flowers with a natural look. They should also photograph the bouquet, and then disassemble them for the process.

It is best to consult a floral preservationist at least two months before your wedding. This will allow enough time both for the shipment and the preservation. There are many brides out there who already have their floral arrangements preserved, and with very few experts in this industry, it is important that you make reservations as early as possible.

Enjoy the memories of your wedding for years to come. Don't let a few ugly flowers stop you. Make sure your flowers are as perfect as your wedding day.