Hen Nights – Forfeits

No Alternative Hen Night would be complete without forfeits. They are the rite of passage for your hen and give her a licence to flirt to ensure that she is the centre of attention. Men will flock like moths to a flame when they see a group of girls in fancy dress doing forfeits.

Eight to ten is the ideal number of forfeits for your night out. Write each one on a separate small piece of card and put each of them in a envelope so that you have the added dramatic effect of your hen having to rip them open.

Elaborately fan out the forfeits for your hen to choose one and male-eyes-a-plenty will flicker in your direction. If your character is identified in a challenge, use your imagination about who they might be; that is, find a likely looking man in the vicinity to help the hen fulfil her task. You will have no shortage of willing participants! You can use your forfeits randomly throughout the night or issue one each time you get another round in. Inevitably the rationing of forfeits will spiral out of control as the night goes on and you will find yourselves doing one after another. But if you want to be extra sneaky keep a couple of the more raunchy ones back as your hen is bound to get more daring as the night draws down †¦ although preferably not to the point that she has to call off her wedding †¦

Note to chicks

Depending on how lenient you are feeling, let your hen have a joker card that she can use if she wants to pass the forfeit – but only one. So, once she’s passed on one forfeit, she got to do all the others.