Harlequin Wedding Band – “You Can Please All of the People, All of the Time!”

Some Quick Fun info about Harlequin Wedding Band (http://www.harlequinband.ie/)

- Harlequin will played to over 40,000 people during the Summer season 2009 (May, June, July, August).
- In Summer 2009 Harlequin played over 575 hours of live music to live audiences.
- Harlequin travelled more than 130,000 miles to events this summer.
- The band drank more than 1500 litres of water during entertainment events this summer – our lead singer, Shane, being the main culprit.
- Our front-man Shane singer has been knocked out twice in the last three months, once by a spinner during the Rathlin Bog Set (Glenview, April) and once by a falling chandelier (bounced off the ceiling by an excited bridal party- Clare, May).


Event News


Album Release – Launch Date Postponed
Due to busier-than-expected schedule and to co-incide with the spring TV appearances Harlequin have delayed the release of their album (Hail Or Shine) until early next year (Ireland). The album will now be launched at MIDEM (The World Music Convention), Cannes France instead of at the Boston Music Conference in September.


Harlequin Performed as Headline Act – Kildare’s Top Cultural Event at the K-Club
Harlequin was selected as the MAIN-STAGE HEADLINE ACT for the “Taste Kildare” entertainment and cuisine festival which is being hosted by the Kildare Hotel and Country Club. The event attracted over 10,000 visitors to this very popular event.


Band News
Harlequin Invest â‚ ¬50,000 in new public address equipment
July: Harlequin’s management have just purchased a new Public Address Rig from the guys at Mosco Sound (Riverdance). For the techies – the equipment include Amps, Subs and FOH tops from D&B AudioTechnik (The best manufacturer of High-end sound equipment on Earth and mixing consoles from MIDAS and KlarkTecknic). This investment will result in an improvement in Harlequin’s already very good sound quality. Now we have world-class sound to compliment our world-class musicians accordingly.

Contact Details for Harlequin: Entertainment for the Perfect Wedding

Website: http://www.harlequinband.ie/

Manager: Veronica Lillis.

email: [email protected]

+353 (0) 59 9100178 +353 (0) 87 2139911