Eden Brides, Gorey

“I think what puts me ahead of my competition is that young brides can relate to me because I’m the same age as them.” suggests Hilda Kavanagh of Eden Brides based in Gorey, Co. Wexford.


“When I was getting married, I found that there were women who were much older than me telling me what I looked nice in and what suited me. I thought that their taste would have to have been so much more different than mine that I simply didn’t believe them. This is what my company offers, my sincerity, and I believe this is why that my clients trust me.”


Set up two and a half years ago, Eden Brides has taken off superbly and it’s all due to its founder, Hilda Kavanagh. Hilda loves her job and is open all week except Wednesday and Sunday, her only days off. Her hours are such that they accommodate even the most unavailable of nine-to-five brides.


“My hours suit everybody; brides hire me for two hours consultation, which comes free of charge. I take about five consults a day, from eleven to one, two to four, four to six, six to eight, and eight to ten. This ensures that I get time to see all clients at times that are suitable for them.” The only day Hilda doesn’t work late on is Saturday.


“All my dresses are brand new from Irish designers and European designers,” enthuses Hilda. “I don’t hire dresses out from my shop so you’re guaranteed to get a one of a kind dress that no one else has walked down the aisle in before. I also have demand for Deb’s dresses and black tie ball dresses. I don’t stock menswear but instead I work closely with two men’s shops in Gorey so we recommend each other to our clients and I find it works really well.”


Another guarantee of Hilda’s authenticity is her conscience. “I couldn’t sell a client a dress that they didn’t look anything but fabulous in. It all goes back to the fact that they trust me and I can’t abuse that trust. It would be immoral and at the end of the day it is my good reputation as well as the bride’s confidence that’s on the line at the end of the day. I can’t risk either of them so foolishly like that.


“I simply refuse to sell anybody a dress that doesn’t suit their body shape. Many people can’t believe I can do this but it’s the way I work and the way I keep my standards as high as they are.”


With all the “Thank you” presents Hilda receives you might think that she enjoys the material aspect of the job. “It’s just amazing when people come from Donegal just because they want you specifically for their wedding, this always sets me reeling. People ring me up and I ask them where they’re from. When they reply somewhere like Bangor or Ballina I just have to ask where they heard of me and mostly it’s word of mouth.


“This amazes me and I feel it’s one of the major lifts you get in jobs like this. Your name actually means something to someone and they trust your judgement. It’s a lot of pressure if you think about it for too long but it’s quite a feat as well.”


With Hilda’s name becoming more and more well known in wedding circles, business is due to continue booming for many years to come