Different honeymoons

If you are not a beach fan and you can’t stand honeymoon camps, these are some ideas for a different and more individual honeymoon:


-Eco-tourism. It’s the next big thing. Enjoy yourself without costing the earth. But also you should analyze if all the efforts you are making will be spoilt by the fact you will be taking a plain. Choose train or boat if possible for a true eco-honeymoon.


-Trip around Europe. This could be even be done by train and keep your honeymoon in the green side of things! Set your route and pack your bags. If you are into motorbikes go for a honeymoon riding tour of Europe.


-Cuba. Lots of couples honeymoon in Cuba but not many adventure outside the resorts in Varadero o Cayo Largo. Explore the country and its many UNESCO Heritage sites, starting with Habana Vieja (Old Havana).


-Skiing in New Zealand. Many people in Europe don’t even realize there ARE snow and ski resorts in New Zealand. June to November is New Zealand’s ski season.


-Go East. Discover sushi and the ‘lost in translation’ effect in Japan.


-Travel in the Trans-Siberian train. Old fashioned romantic journey from to Moscow to Beijing.


-Do you know Ireland? You could be original and stay in the country. How many counties are there in Ireland that you haven’t visited yet?


-Two in one. Get married on your honeymoon.


-City destinations. With budget airlines moving people from place to place in Europe for next to nothing this could be your chance to have a great break in any of the EU cities: Rome, Prague, Budapest, Helsinki, Lisbon, Krakow†¦ or even good old Paris.


-Spa break. In Ireland or anywhere else, this will definitely be a relaxing trip. Thermal baths destinations are another great option. Check out the Tatra mountains area in Slovakia.


-Discover the ‘other Spain’. Forget Costa del Sol and all the over crowded resorts and discover Euskadi (Basque Country), Galicia or Catalonia with their own cultures, their independent languages (co-official with Spanish) and their romantic heritage places. 100% different from the ‘stereotype Spain’.


-The Canadian Rockies offer loads of incredible options for winter sports but also for trekking and relaxing sight seeing.


-Around the world trip. It is the best option for those who can’t make their minds up.


If you want to share your honeymoon experience, send us your story to [email protected]


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