Creative wedding favors, please

Wedding favors are a fast spreading trend in Ireland. But don’t give your guests something they will send to the bottom of the drawer. Thoughtful favors, practical or edible gifts are as easy to find and your friends will appreciate the gesture.


Personalize your gift. Nobody really needs another anonymous piece of ceramic for the mantelpiece. Creative and practical favors are the favourite ones. These are some ideas, if you want to escape from stale porcelain figurines and really please your guests.


Remember chocolate never goes out of trend. Everybody loves chocolate: black, milk, with nuts, white…fairtrade, organic†¦ this is a widely appreciated favor but there are also other options. Also, bear in mind, chocolate melts pretty quick so it wouldn’t be the best thing for a summer season wedding. Mint tins, the traditional almonds, cocoa sachets, handmade sweets, cookies, herbal teas, coffee beans†¦and even cigars are other popular edible favors that will please your guests.


You could make your own compilation of songs and set up a CD to distribute among your family and friends. Disposable cameras are also popular but not very eco friendly. Bath crystals and soaps are a good idea and most people will enjoy them. If you are celebrating a theme wedding, pick a related favor.


Photo frames with a picture of the bride and groom, scent and shaped candles, bookmarks†¦ the options are never ending. Handmade gifts are also very personal and touching, if your event is not extremely big and you are a bit of an artist, go for it! Poems, drawings, pictures†¦pick your hobby and make it into a very special favor.


The list is huge: bottle stoppers, bottle openers, coasters, luggage tags, salt and pepper sets†¦ but also lottery tickets and donations to charities and organisations, like the Special Olympics, The Alzheimer Society and other research institutions. You can’t go wrong with these favors. They are always welcome and needed.