Chinese wedding for American teacher

Theme weddings are very good but why not going for the real thing? An American teacher has recently married her fiance in a traditional Chinese ceremony.

The American teacher, Mei Xidie in her Chinese name, arrived in Huangbaiyu village a year ago. According to Chinanews, she was the first English teacher that the village school ever had since its foundation, 60 years ago.

The bride decided to get married “a la Chinese” because her Chinese friends and pupils couldn’t attend the ceremony if she was to marry in the US. The groom, family and friends flew to Chine from the United States

The bride’s local friends selected chefs, waiters and waitresses, and organized a Yangge dancing team.

Some Chinese wedding traditions-

Go red:
Red is the symbol of good luck. The bride’s gown is traditionally a red silk dress but during the reception she may change clothes. That used to symbolize the opulence of her family.

Hair combing:
Before the wedding day, the bride’s hair is combed four times by a woman (usually her mother) in front of lit candles or the moonlight. Each combing has a meaning:
1- from beginning to end.
2- harmony from youth through old age.
3- wish for many grandchildren.
4- wealth and a long marriage.

Three Letters:
The groom’s family sends a letter to the bride’s to formalize the engagement and it is sent with several gifts.
The groom’s family sends another letter with a gift list.
The bride’s family sends a wedding letter to the groom’s family on the wedding day, confirming the bride is being brought into a new family.

Six customs before the couple is married:

1- The groom’s family sends a messenger to tell the bride’s family of the groom’s interest in the girl.

2- The groom’s family requests the bride’s birth date and time. The couple’s birthdates are given to a fortune teller who will decide if it is a good match.

3- If compatible, the groom’s family sends gifts to the bride’s family.

4- The groom’s family sends even more gifts.

5- The fortune teller chooses the wedding date.

6- On the wedding day, the groom fetches the bride from her family’s home and brings her to his family home where the ceremony is celebrated. The couple serves tea to the groom’s parents followed by a wedding banquet.