Cake Art as recommended by Adare Manor

Cake Art as recommended by Adare Manor!

Cake Trends By Cake Art


Cake Art is a delicious company based in Charleville in Cork. Run by a husband and wife team, Dennis and Nicola Drennan, the bakery specialises in wedding cakes. The couple are a perfect ‘mix’ as Dennis looks after the baking while Nicola does the decorating.


Nicola, who has 20 years experience in the area of cake art, tells of the current trends, “In 2004 Chocolate mixture cakes were very popular. This year iced cakes are very popular covering a chocolate biscuit or chocolate ganache cake base. We use Belgian chocolate for all our chocolate cakes.”


2006 sees a lot of white chocolate cake bookings again for Cake Art, with the American trend of individual cupcakes starting to creep in. “I would say that cup cakes will be very popular in 2007 following previous trends,” continues Nicola.


These are individual cup cakes presented in silver or gold foil casings. There’s a variety of tasty base mixtures including sticky toffee and chocolate orange. “They can be decorated with chocolate or a sugar based icing and there are lots of designs to choose from, which makes them very individual. We present them on a cake stand which can be white china or Perspex.”


Cake Art is happy to facilitate couples who bring them photos or pictures of a cake they would like made. The couple have a showroom where you can view sample designs and browse through their extensive collection over a cup of coffee.


However Nicola’s favourite decorating jobs are still the royal icing orders with the fruit cake base. “There is a lot of artistic work involved in these cakes but we don’t get very many orders for them at the moment,” she explains.


However as trends come and go, Royal Icing cakes will surely get their stir of the bowl again in the not so distant future!