2008 Hair accessory trends – Hair accessories and jewellery

Aisling Nelson from Rangoli has been designing bespoke jewellery and hair accessories for over ten years. In that time her designs have evolved in order to complement new bridal fashions. Aisling gives her tips on the style of accessories that are currently in vogue!


“Firstly and most importantly, the hair accessory you choose to wear with your wedding gown should be one that you love and feel comfortable wearing! Fashions will come and go but it is essential to be true to your own style especially on your wedding day.


In 2008 I have noticed that many brides are looking for a simpler less structured headpiece to dress their hair. Fashionable bridal hairstyles this season are much softer and very natural. The half-up, half-down style is very popular or tousled up-styles with fluid Grecian curls.


My most popular styles this year include small vintage rhinestone combs that can be placed anywhere in the hair adding a discreet bit of sparkle, hairwires embellished with rhinestones and pearls that can be woven into any hairstyle and also crochet headbands that can be worn across the forehead or wrapped around the front or back of the hair. By using your imagination, you can create a number of different looks with these style of pieces.


Another tip is to place your hair accessory in a new position for the evening of your wedding – perhaps moving it from above the veil to the side of your head for a touch of glamour!


Your accessories, if chosen well, will truly enhance your wedding gown.”


For more information visit www.rangoli.ie or contact Aisling on 01 670 8476.

Rangoli Jewellery
Studio 67, The Design Tower, Trinity Centre, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2
Phone: +353 1 6708476 Mobile: +353 87 6355 655