Slideshow at Your Wedding

wedding venuesHaving a slideshow presentation at your wedding reception is a great idea to show your guests a glimpse of what you and your partner are like. Since not all of us are creative nor have any talent in making slideshows, here are some easy tips you might want to read:

Shorter Is Better

You would probably assume that the longer the presentation is going to be, the more fun it’s going to be. Truth be told, shorter is actually better. Any presentation that is longer than 12 minutes is going to bore your audience.

Know Your Audience

Think about your wedding guests. They are your target audience. Take their age and characters into consideration as you prepare your montage. Once you know what they are all like in general, you can already decide on what background music to choose and what kind of colors and design to choose for the slideshow presentation.

Choose Quality Photographs

Remember to choose photos that are of good quality. You do not want your guests to guess the photos you are showing them.

Choose a Variety of Photographs

Choose photographs that make a statement. Make sure that you find a variety of photos so you won’t bore your guests. Keep them interested by showing pictures of you and your partner in different places and events.

Find The Right Music

If most of your pictures spell fun and excitement, you might want to choose a fast-paced song to match the mood that you want to reflect. You can choose music that holds a special meaning for you and your partner. You should also pay attention to the length of the music and the number of your pictures.

Test Your Presentation

Make sure to test your slideshow presentation before showing it to your guests. Check all of your equipment before your big day and make sure they are all working.

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